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Trines Favoritter

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Jeg er en passioneret yogini, mor, nærværs-junkie, selvomsorgs-aktivist og yoga teacher trainer, der elsker at dele rejsen med dig!

Jeg bliver ofte spurgt, hvad jeg kan anbefale, så her er et udvalg af mine yndlingsting. Fra mine favoritter indenfor alt fra yogaudstyr til skønhed, til kurser og bøger. Hvis du også er yoganørd, og din puls allerede hamrer lidt hurtigere ved tanken om en ressource-oversigt, så gem siden som et bogmærke, som du kan komme tilbage til igen og igen.

Mine personlige Sundheds Boostere

Mine Sundheds Boostere Mine Sundheds Boostere
  • 01 Flodesk

    Free 30 day trial + 50% off

    Looking for an email service provider that is fool-proof? The magic of Flodesk is that they are a women-led company that took the heavy lifting tech out of growing an email list and totally simplified the process of getting set up and sending out emails regularly. If you are ready to send beautifully crafted emails fast and easily, join Flodesk! 

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    Use jennakutcher to save 25%

    One of the best ways we’ve grown our email list is through elevating our pop-up strategy. We really love Opt-In Monster! It has a lot of next-level features like generating specific pop-ups for people who come to your page from a specific place or “if/then” type pop-ups so you can be in full control over what pop-ups people are receiving and when!

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  • 03 Interact

    First Quiz Free

    Have you taken my free quizzes? They are so fun AND they help grow my email list! Maybe creating an online quiz is your next brilliant move! Use my favorite quiz-maker, Interact and get creative with serving your audience in a new way by creating a quiz to gain valuable insights into their needs and pain points while growing your list in a FUN way!

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  • 04 ConvertKit

    30 day free trial

    ConvertKit is a really great option if you're looking to take some email strategy and finally implement. Their ability to take what can be complicated and make it easy (with 24/7 support) is impressive. We’ve tested out their platform and we’re kinda jealous we didn’t start there. Grow your list and sign up for a 30-day free trial.

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Get your hands on
my go to in the Shop Trine

For the Pros For the Pros
  • 01 Shop Trine

    Use trinefaves to save 10%

    Looking for tools, templates, and presets to make running your biz easy, breezy, and beautiful? Well I've taken the tools I've created to run my empire and put them into a shop so you can use my exact tools, customize them, and put them out into the world. From my top-selling editing presets to customizable guides, I've got you! 

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  • 02 Honeybook

    50% off annual price + freebies

    Honeybook simplifies everything in the world of running a small business. Fromclient experienceand easy payment processes to handling meetings, inquiries, and proposals with organized layouts, HoneyBook handles all elements of your biz. And the fact that you can sign new clients from the convenience of your phone? 

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  • 03 The Contract Shop

    Use TRINE20 to save 20%!

    Legal stuff doesn’t have to be scary! And luckily, it’s really easy to understand and fix with The Contract Shop, a contract template store for creative entrepreneurs, wedding professionals, and coaches! They have specialized agreements and contracts that are super easy to customize and send to clients fast.

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  • 04 SamCart

    Free 30-day trial + save 20% off!

    SamCart is an all-time fave eCommerce tool that helps us showcase our products plus provide a clean, seamless, and optimized checkout experience for our community! It's a tool I recommend over and over again because it's easy to use and helps you drive massive results with customer-focused delivery!

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Kom med på team En Stille Resolution

  • Guidet Afslapnings Audio (mp3)

    Guidet Afslapnings Audio (mp3)

    Guidet Afslapning Audio - 15 minutters mp3 Næsten alt virker bedre igen efter at være blevet ladet op – også...
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  • Gravid Yoga Video

    Gravid Yoga Video

    Et yogaprogram skræddersyet til dig og barnet i din maven Et gravidyoga-program, hvor du lærer at anvende yogaens enkle og...
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  • Mentoring forløb

    Mentoring forløb

    Mentoring en-til-en med Trine   En-til-en mentoring er for dig, der har lyst til at gå dybere i din praksis og...
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